September 5, 2019

ABA Journal Recognizes Lawyer's "Miss U.S.A." Achievement

In their continuing struggle to determine what is "newsworthy," the ABA Journal editors actually stuck this fluff piece into their soon-to-be-less-than-monthly magazine.  Forget law school and passing the bar and getting a job as a litigator and running her own business.  Obviously, the most important information about this North Carolina colleague is that she can still credibly strut her stuff in a swimsuit, even at the ripe old age of 28.  Sexist much?  Ageist much?

I can only imagine the absolute shit storm of PC condemnation that will follow from the ABA Journal's dogmatic readership, decrying how the bone-headed editors could be so incredibly tone deaf as to laud taking the "crown" in this veritable festival of female sexual objectification as some kind of accomplishment to be recognized in the ABA Journal.  WTF???

This is arguably the Journal's most egregious PC faux pas since the (rapidly de-published) fashion piece that noted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "rumpled and haggard" appearance.

They're losing it.  They're losing it.  They can't even keep their own, rigid politically correct bullshit properly sorted anymore.  Stand by for the inevitable stream of condemnation in "letters to the editor" from ABA virtue-signallers.  They are practically mandatory.

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