December 31, 2019

Hoaxes: Not Just For "The Marginalized" Anymore

It's been all over the Internet how the poor police officer in Junction City, Kansas, was victimized by some, unknown and nameless McDonald's worker, allegedly writing a derogatory comment on a coffee receipt.

Except, it didn't happen. Video, right? The officer's Smolletting was non-propitiously exposed.  Doh!! All over the Internet, giving rise to nationwide reaction, but it didn't happen.

A "joke," says the local police chief. Was it a "joke"?  Is somebody, somewhere, laughing? I pause, and place a hand to my ear. Is anybody laughing? Somehow, despite my infamously subtle sense of humor, I am not seeing the joke, and I am not hearing any laughter.

Giglio, chief. Have you all heard of that up there? Good luck on your next case where Officer Jokey Smurf is the charging officer or any kind of a material witness. You might think to ask yourself, "Where is our case going, and why is it in this hand-basket?"

More Guns Work, And the New York Times is Sad

Good guys with guns stopped a bad guy with a gun. With guns. It happened, and it is front page news.

But the New York Times is not happy. Hell, the church was named after a freeway, and is in a town named "White Settlement." How dare any of them church folks there even think to defend themselves against a massacre? Especially with guns. No wonder the "progressive" New York Times editorial staff are apoplectic.

But, on the facts, this occurrence makes a few good points. First, the Second Amendment is legal authority of constitutional dignity. Second, there is no way to prevent mentally addled persons getting their hands on guns and going on the attack. Particularly so, given the "progressive" rhetoric that encourages such violence against church-goers (or anyone else who does not embrace the current ideology of the extreme left). Hence, it is not a bad thing that people peacefully involved in protected First Amendment religious observances in White Settlement can exercise their Second Amendment rights to defend their lives against the hateful, murderous rats that "progressives" have incited against them.

As I see it, this incident demonstrates how more guns make for more security. At least, so long as the hate-spewers like the New York Times are inciting mentally unstable people to violence.

Donkey Girl's Peter Comes Out Swinging

Clearly, I am going to have to secure an abundant supply of popcorn. Not to be outdone by Donkey Girl's recent Privacy Act suit against the FBI, her Peter now joins in with similar claims of his own. Mind you, the substance of the star-crossed lovers' respective texts, which fairly suggested abuse of their agency posts to interfere in electoral politics, might well be seen by some as a matter of significant public interest. But, perhaps the Privacy Act will be found by the courts to have protected such activities from public scrutiny.

For Donkey Girl (and her Peter), I doubt it will matter much. Whatever the courts may say, nobody who values loyalty, integrity or sound judgment will ever be likely to hire either one of these two to do anything of greater note than throwing newspapers.

December 29, 2019

Human Life Goes for $1 in The Big Apple

In the Big Apple, you can't have guns. Guns are bad, and NYC is too gentrified to allow violence that doesn't involve simply beating people to death (and, as it turns out, for as little as one dollar). How very, very "progressive."

Moreover, since we can't afford to indulge outmoded notions of religion or morals these days, Christmas Eve is apparently as good a time as any for that conduct, at least as New Yorkers see it.

What an outstandingly "progressive" city. I think I will just find a way to arrange future travel and business around having to put one toe over the border of this savage and unprincipled cesspool of an uncivilized wasteland.

December 26, 2019


Happy gnu year everyone!  It's the end of the year and also the end of what I like to call the "Trump Decade."  I thought it might be interesting for us to compare what we were doing professionally at the beginning of 2010 with what we're doing at the beginning of 2020.  I'll start.

I was still an associate at a mega law firm as 2010 began.  However, at the time, I  knew that I was going to have to start looking.  My department had been hit hard by the "Great Recession" and there was very little work to go around for the associates.  I was just beginning my job search to try to leave the only law firm I'd ever known.  Ten years later, I'm a partner at a regional firm.  I tried being a partner at an AmLaw 100 firm, but it really wasn't for me.  At this point, I'm pretty happy to be the "IP and Data Privacy Guy" at my firm.

How about everyone else?

Who is the Greater Giu?

While his chief client and bottle-washer cannot seem to stop Tweeting, Rudy Giuliani has problems even with speaking. He opens his mouth, and strange claims emerge. Some of them have been as strange as his online posts claiming to be a former Attorney General of the United States.

Last week, Giuliani lit up the Internet with his claim to be "more of a jew" than George Soros. When questioned on this, Giuliani doubled-down by asserting that he is "more Jewish than half my friends." Of course, this might or might not be so, as it is difficult to assess the claim without any particulars concerning the identity or characteristics of the alleged "friends." I would suppose they are likely growing fewer in number each time Giuliani grants an interview.

If I am following Giuliani's attempt at reasoning, he seems to be suggesting that his personal attacks on George Soros cannot be "anti-Semitic," because Soros is less Jewish than Giuliani himself (i.e., Soros does not conform to Giuliani's concept of a "good Jew"). In the course of this approach, Giuliani seems to be availing himself of the modern "progressive" doctrine of "identity politics," which allows one to sanctimoniously call out people who should be "allies" if only they would properly conform to their assigned "identity." Concurrently, Giuliani seems to be availing himself of the "progressive" postulate that he can "identify" as he pleases for purposes of his public comments, after the fashion of Rachel Dolezal (of course, I mean Nkechi Amare Diallo). Perhaps Giuliani's comments serve to illustrate how these "progressive" principles of "identity" create the potential for logical contradiction. How can people "identify" as they please if they are subject to criticism for failure to conform to an "identity" previously assigned to them or subjectively perceived by others?

Is Giuliani a greater Jew than George Soros, even if he is not a Jew at all? Does Giuliani actually know who (or even where) he is? If you had as many troubles as the president, would you hire this person as your personal legal counsel? Sometimes, our modern, "progressive" world can be a baffling and confusing place.

December 25, 2019

How do you define success?

Is it having fast cars?  A 3,600 sq/ft wife?  The ability to be $15M in debt or shake down Nike for $20M?

ATL lawyer of the year would like to know. 

Merry XMas Everyone - Holiday Thread 2019

Merry XMas everyone and Happy Chanukah to my chosen brethren, I hope you all got what you wanted this year! (Perhaps a little progress on figuring out what you want to begin with for some of us... 😏)

December 19, 2019

Fox Rothschild Cans Ian Siminoff

This story is going to get a lot of print and web space, and many bags of popcorn will be consumed ere it reaches its conclusion.

I am sure many colleagues have encountered the asshat, BigLaw-ABA type, who puts in appearances at drunken ABA galas to sanctimoniously pontificate about how his lesser vertebrate cousins sexually objectify and disrespect women. Eventually, of course, the alcoholic fog dissipates, and such characters then depart the PC, duck-speak world of ABA-hosted events to return home, and there, to do what they do at home.

Recognizing that the linked story, at this point, is premised chiefly on untested allegations of a complaint, it is likely significant that a considerable number of emails are cited verbatim in the complaint. It is likely also significant that the firm, upon learning of the allegations in the complaint, swiftly purged the defendant from the organization, and concurrently, purged all mention of him from the firm website.

Reading about the many sexually suggestive emails and the dick pics Mr. Siminoff allegedly sent the plaintiff, I must admit to garnering a certain, superior amusement from the nearly juvenile clumsiness and utter cluelessness displayed in the course (or perhaps coarseness) of his pitiable, failed efforts.

The plaintiff was a paralegal of some 27 years' experience with the firm and predecessor firms, and to be fair to her, reasonably fit and attractive for a 58-year-old, and seemingly, the sort of respectable, professional colleague one would have over for tea without taking much thought in the matter.

But (and again, in fairness, based solely on the untested allegations of the complaint) it would appear  Mr. Smoove, with an understanding of courtship roughly parallel to cinematic portrayals such as "Porky's Revenge," was largely inept, and (as it turned out) functionally unable to make any sort of positive impression on his romantic quarry. It would appear that ABA-ness and BigLawbie-ness, after all, may fall somewhat short when it comes to sophistication in courtship, or sucessfully impressing a pretty woman who does not happen to be a sex worker. Poor Siminoff. I fear the world is not laughing with him,

"Bowl of Dicks" Guy Draws Court's Ire

Unsurprisingly, the lawyer who thought his emails packed with F-bombs, threats and personal insults would be a good "confidential negotiating tactic" found himself in some trouble when the parties appeared for the show cause order.

He even managed to annoy the judge further by slipping in late and failing to announce his presence at the beginning of the hearing. Now, he can pretty much count on responding to an ethics complaint filed with his state's disciplinary authority by a federal judge.

I actually considered putting this in a "Never Have I Ever" column, as the ostensible "negotiating technique" here is one that would never be used by an experienced litigator (at least, not without  some serious mental/chemical problems).

First, as a "negotiating technique," it was dead on arrival. Insurance defense counsel are defending claims in litigation all day, every day. Their technique for evaluating a case is going to be based on the applicable law, their analysis of the facts, and recent jury verdicts entered in similar cases. Insults, obscenities, threats and crazy settlement demands are going to have no impact. Zero.

Second, Mr. Bowl of Dicks failed to realize he was communicating the exact opposite of what he was trying to communicate. A good plaintiff's trial counsel has no need to engage in this sort of bluster. If this guy was any good, and really thought he had Allstate on the ropes, he would have simply gone forth to do, in discovery, in pretrial motion practice, and at trial. While thinking he was convincing defense counsel of his toughness and sick litigation skills, what he was actually telling them was that he was clueless, inexperienced at litigation, desperate to settle the case without trial, and in fact, unable to even conceive a strategy by which he might obtain a favorable outcome for his clients at trial. If Allstate's counsel had considered making any settlement offer before Mr. Bowl of Dicks began his "negotiating tactics," they would have put that on the shelf as soon as he showed them they really didn't have anything to worry about (hence, the perceived "stonewalling"). It would have been a two-second analysis, along the lines of, "Wow, this guy knows he can't try a case, so we don't have to offer him anything."

It amazes me that any lawyers still try to do this kind of thing. If they thought it through at all, they should realize why it isn't going to work. Ever. It also flags them as not only clueless in their own right, but such an asshat personally that no senior colleague is willing to stop them to explain why that isn't the way.

In this particular case, Bowl of Dicks, Esq. is going to be getting that lesson from a federal judge and a disciplinary case. I doubt it will end in his direct and immediate disbarment, as he apparently (by some miracle of fate) has no prior disciplinary record. However, I think he is probably looking at a suspension of at least 1-3 years, and a whole lot of shit-wading after that to show that he is ready to be reinstated. There's the easy way and the hard way to learn the trade, and Bowl of Dicks has gone strictly for the hard way. I'm sure we'll be seeing additional stories as his efforts to retain licensure roll along.

Agency for the Homeless Hires Dancing Tranny Stripper to Play Annual Conference

Conferences on homelessness aren't what they used to be, at least in King County, Washington. An item reportedly shown on the conference agenda as "Cultural Presentation" apparently turned out to be a dance performance by an obese, transgender stripper, contracted for the occasion by the agency director.

Not all the attendees appreciated the connection between the raunchy performance and the notion of trying to find solutions for homelessness. One pastor who was present at the conference reportedly remarked that he was not personally offended by the performance, but did not understand what it had to do with why attendees were there. Clearly, not everybody gets the "big tent" intersectionality thing that should make it obvious why people who are for helping the homeless should also have wanted the conference entertainment to be a sexualized dance performance by an obese, tranny stripper. Get with the program people! Handbooks on the supporting ideological rationale will be on sale in the lobby.

Shockingly, an "independent journalist" whom somebody carelessly admitted to the event leaked a video of the performance to the media, and then, to the world at large. The full clip is available in the linked story from the Daily Mail. Evidently, not all of the county officials in King County, Washington, agreed that this was the sort of "cultural presentation" that fully and fairly represented their community (or its efforts to address homelessness). Some went so far as to question the propriety of the performance as a conference event, and even the use of public funds to defray the cost of engaging the performer. These critiques shortly led to the resignation of the agency director who had set the whole thing up.

What is the world coming to when King County officials aren't even willing to spring for a few tranny lap dances and tongue kisses for people who are giving up personal time to attend a conference on homelessness?  Somehow, "white nationalists" must be behind this travesty. What else could it possibly be?

December 18, 2019

Double-secret epic bench slap!

For a super-duper secret spy tribunal, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has gotten awful chatty all of a sudden.

Responding to the Horowitz report, presiding judge Rosemary Collyer has issued an order excoriating the FBI's handling of the Carter Page warrant application.
The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.
Collyer then directs the DOJ and FBI to, uh, not do all those bad things she just mentioned.
THEREFORE, the Court ORDERS that the government shall, no later than January 10, 2020, inform the Court in a sworn written submission of what it has done, and plans to do, to ensure that the statement of facts in each FBI application accurately and completely reflects information possessed by the FBI that is material to any issue presented by the application.
By the severity of this sanction, we can see how seriously the FISC takes the safeguards of Americans' constitutional rights in secret, ex parte proceedings in which it grants 99 percent of applications.

I say again: epic!

December 17, 2019

Florida Coastal, Denied Again

Given that we had a post today on the ever-Whittier fate of certain mooncalves past, it seemed only fair to update the goings-on with InfiLaw's last-school-standing, the unenviable Florida Coastal School of Law. Few other sources spared any ink on this, so the link is to the ABA Journal coverage. Apparently, they now deem it "newsworthy" whenever the ostensible ABA monitors of accreditation actually stir off their stucking fumps to monitor something that pertains to accreditation. Florida Coastal, it seems, is thought to have a few deficits in this respect. The half-fast article notes that a letter of credit had to be posted, but misses the point that it was was required to cover InfiLaw liabilities beyond those incurred in relation to Florida Coastal alone.

The article notes, but really sheds no light on, the point that the ABA committee again stomped on Florida Coastal's revised request to convert to "non-profit" status. There is an absence of transparency in the decision, so we can only wonder as to its basis. This again serves to highlight the shortcomings of an ill-considered delegation that has placed a federal government function, determining accreditation and eligibility for federal loan funds, in the hands of a private association that operates in the shadows.

Flipping Off ABA, Senate Confirmed VanDyke

Another picture of Trump, looking like the cat that ate the canary. Another judicial nominee confirmed, despite the best efforts of the ABA to submarine the nomination over concerns that Van Dyke might not bow sufficiently to their LGBTQ hat on a pole. Shove off, ABA! The Senate is onto your scam.

December 16, 2019

Alas, Poor Whittier...

Whittier School of Law may have closed, but it's still leaving its mark in the annals of legal academia.  The results for the July 2019 bar exam were just posted.  A total of 38 Whittier graduates took the California Bar Exam for the first time.  Four fortunate souls passed.  This gave Whittier a bar passage rate of 11%!!!!!!!!!

Just think, as stupid as Shannon/Steven Chung is, he's smarter than a large number of his classmates.

Image result for law student moron

December 15, 2019

Donkey Girl Sues the Bureau

Striking out in a new effort to establish her "victim" credentials, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page is suing the agency, asserting that its release of her texts with her paramour violated the Privacy Act. It will be fun to see what happens with this. In addition to demonstrating her political bias and revealing her extramarital affair, the texts served to show her general, all-around lack of sound judgment. There is some likelihood that this will impair her employability for the foreseeable future, so the potential to cash in on this claim as her meal ticket may be her one shot at replacing the income from the career she threw away.

The Incredible, Shrinking ABA Journal

Last week, Jason Tashea, who had a law degree and occasionally wrote tech-oriented pieces for the Journal, dropped off the masthead. Now the only remaining "Legal Affairs Writer" is Amanda Robert, a 2019 newbie to the Journal, who has no law degree, but boasts "journalism" credentials with "a certificate in social justice." The "Copy Editor" posts have also been winnowed down, and the cadaverous Sarah Mui, who was kicked down the masthead from "Assistant Managing Editor" to "Chief Copy Editor" now has only one minion to supervise. Of course, the quality of writing at the Journal is obviously so strong they don't need a bunch of copy editors, right? Overall, the bizarrely top-heavy structure is continuing, with nine "editors" in various capacities and only three writers. This seems particularly puzzling now that the magazine is only going to be publishing half as often.  There continues to be no outward sign of any work activity by the majority of the staff.

December 13, 2019

Gotta Love British Politics

I’m telling you, this photo and caption could be straight out of a Monty Python sketch.

Bobby Smith, a political and fathers' rights activist and founder and leader of the "Give Me Back Elmo" party, left, and Independent candidate Count Binface, right, stand either side of Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson as they wait for the Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency count declaration at Brunel University in Uxbridge, London, on Dec. 13, 2019.

Bobby Smith, a political and fathers’ rights activist and founder and leader of the “Give Me Back Elmo “ party, left, and Independent candidate Count Binface, right, stand either side of Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson as they wait for the Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency count declaration at Brunel University in Uxbridge, London, on Dec. 13, 2019.

This is almost exactly like the Election Night Special sketch.  Which one is with the Silly Party?

December 2, 2019

Biden Bites the Hand that Feeds Him

I would have to say, this bit of Tomfoolery by Joe Biden struck me as nothing more than a bit of light-hearted screwing around at a campaign event.  It isn't like he bit off part of his wife's hand and ate it. Why has this become so controversial?  Do the FOX News pundits suspect Biden of being a closet gynophagic fetishist?  I'm not seeing the big deal here (although I do find the meme with the shark song to be somewhat amusing).

Donkey Girl and Trump, Mixing it Up Again

Today, in major non-news, Donkey Girl announced that she was "done being quiet," after which, Trump bagged on her some more, for the extra point. It is difficult to know who to root for here. Donkey Girl (who looks a decade older now, and is not displaying her choppers as in days of Yore) points out that what she did was not a crime. Yes, she showed incredibly poor judgment and an absence of professionalism, and managed to get caught having an extramarital affair with that loser Peter Strzok, but none of that was a crime. Of course, there is no way of knowing what would have been revealed had thousands of the couple's heady exchanges not been rubbed out by Donkey Girl and her Peter, but (as the linked article points out) those deletions did not violate the agency's retention policies, and, she and her Peter were not under investigation at the time. So, maybe they were hiding a Deep State conspiracy, or maybe they were just trying to keep their affair under wraps. None of us will ever know, but, as far as we know, none of what Donkey Girl did was a crime. So, there is that. Although, I hope someday, when I find myself at the Pearly Gates, I will be able to muster something better than "none of what I did was a crime." Public relations-wise, that just isn't the most impressive rejoinder.

On the other side of the braying match is Trump, who doesn't seem to realize he is not making himself look any better by continuing to beat up this pathetic, wretched has-been, who has lost her reputation, her youth, her government job, and her Peter. Can't he find some school children to slap around?  He has way too much club for this pinata. It's like spending an hour berating a street vendor for not getting the mustard and onions right on his hotdog. In short, it is not Peer, and it is way past time for Trump to let this go.