January 2, 2020


Apologies for the link to Glawker, but I think this merits a few clicks. 


Apparently Elie is stepping back from his duties at Glawker.  But don't worry, he'll still be doing his stupid podcast if you really miss him.  He doesn't say what he'll be doing next, but I'm sure it will revolve around mooching off of his gainfully employed wife. 

His reason for leaving is...Brett Kavanaugh.  But, as he says, Kavanaugh is merely a symptom of a much darker and move evil disease.  This evil power is none other than...the Federalist Society.  Apparently they're ruining America because...conservative something.

I've shared my thoughts regarding Elie before.  He used to be my favorite writer at Glawker (after Juggalo Law, natch).  I very seldom agreed with him, but I thought that his posts were usually well written and helped me see things from a perspective that was completely foreign to me.  Most importantly, I thought that he as (mostly) intellectually honest.  All of that changed when Trump was elected.  I really do think that Elie suffered some sort of mental break that led to him thinking that there was this massive conspiracy among the GOP elites to take away everyone's rights.  His posts got more and more painful to read because they are so divorced from reality. 

Aside from the sadness that I feel for the fact that he's really losing his grip on reality, there is also something scary in his writing.  I noticed over the last year that his attitude toward people who disagree with him politically has gotten very hard line.  He seems to be at a point where he doesn't view Trump supporters (the vast majority of whom do not conform to his racist caricatures) as being fully human.  He doesn't believe that there is anything left to be gained from talking with the other side.  Throughout history, dehumanizing the opposition has been a precursor to civil war, genocide and other terrible acts.  We always need to take care to remember that the people who disagree with us politically are humans (and Americans) first and foremost.

So, two questions for the Commentariat.

1. What's Elie's beef with the Federalist Society?  I vaguely remember them from college that their members were pretty conservative and seemed to be anti-social (even from the perspective of an IP lawyer).

2.  What's your prediction for Elie's next move?  My guess is that he'll join some sort of leftist militant group after his wife kicks him out.  The militant group will eventually kick him out after he eats all their food.

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