January 23, 2020

Tis the Season...for Desperate Job Searching

This time of year I always start getting emails from 3L law students in Texas who have started their last semester at law school and don't have a job lined up.  Their preferred method of communication is an email or LinkedIn message saying that my firm and my practice have great reputations and that he (it's always men) would like to meet with me to discuss my practice and the possibility of working for me in the Fall.  They've no doubt sent the same communication to 100,000 other lawyers in Texas and beyond.  I never respond to these communications for several reasons.

First, I can't ever see myself hiring a lawyer right out of law school.  First year lawyers (I include 1st year BillyBob in this generalization) are almost completely useless.  I don't have the resources or time to train a baby lawyer.  I'd rather let BigLaw firms do that and hire a trained lawyer who gets burned out on the lifestyle.

Second, there is probably a reason that the person who is emailing me doesn't have a job lined up.  Back in 2010-14, even somewhat qualified law students had trouble finding work.  The market is much better now, so anyone reaching out to me at this stage is automatically suspect.

For example, the person that reached out to me today has a pretty impressive technical background, which is a big plus for someone who wants to do patent law.  According to his LinkedIn profile, he's had three different summer clerkships at boutique IP firms in Houston.  Apparently none of these clerkships have resulted in a job offer.  Although there could be many reasons why he wasn't offered employment by any of these firms,  the three most likely reasons are:

1. His work product sucks;

2. He's an asshole; or

3. His grades are so bad that smaller firms feel like they can employ him for the summer for $15/hour without intending to offer him a job in the end.

None of these are good, but I'm inclined to think that it's probably No. 1.  His email to me was replete with typos.  I'm willing to let a lot of typos go, but he misspelled "Houston" for fuck's sake!  The city where he has resided for the past 6 years.

Does anyone else have to deal with this shit?

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