March 16, 2020

Roll Call

My firm's issued the directive to work from home whenever possible so I'm no longer behind the company's WebNanny3.0 webfilter and can post again.  I thought I'd start a thread for general discussion of the great Corona Staycation of 2020.  How crazy are people in your neck of the woods?  What's left in stores?  Got any good recipes for instant ramen and spam?

I'll go first.  I live in Orange County.  As of now, our official count is 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (out of a county with a population of over 3 million) and no confirmed deaths.  Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm (a Cedar Fair amusement park for those of you who don't know) have already closed.  Some movie theaters are still open.  Youth sports have been suspended.  Panic shopping/the need to keep up with panic shopping has emptied many store shelves.  For those of you who have yet to see peak panic shopping, here's a list of what's gone/extremely hard to find and the order in which it went:

1.  Any sort of face mask (from basic home dust masks all the way to p100 full face respirators)
2.  Hand sanitizer
3.  Disinfecting wipes
4.  Hand sanitizer/disinfectant substitutes/ingredients (hydrogen peroxide, bleach, isopropyl alcohol)
5.  Toilet paper
6.  Toilet paper substitutes (baby wipes, flushable wipes)
7.  Paper towels
8.  Bottled water
9.  Water storage containers
10. Dried foods with a long shelf life (dry beans, rice, lentils, etc.)
11. Hand soap
12. Pasta and pasta sauce
13. Onions
14. Milk and eggs
15. Non-weird ass meats (you can still find liver)

Not saying this specific order of things will be the same in your neighborhood, but this might help if you sense a run on stores coming and need to prioritize your supplies.  It blows my mind that bottled water went so quickly and there's currently no shortage of alcohol.  People have their lockdown priorities backwards on this one.

Personally, I'm doing just fine.  My kid's school has been closed so he and I are hanging out today.  I'm doing some research and a little bit of doc review in front of my home PC.  I'm still in my PJs and am listening to AC/DC.  We've got a good supply of food, soap, and TP.  Due to several years of membership in a craft beer society (think wine club, but for beer), I have about 300 750ml bottles of good, high-alcohol beer, and due to a current membership in a distillery's club, we have about 3 gallons of hard liquor.  


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