July 22, 2020

Privileged Whites Oppress Dawit Kelete With Criminal Charges

Some may have seen the footage in which the white Jaguar, flat hauling it up an exit ramp onto I-5, collided with two protesters, hurling them a considerable distance into the air, after which, they crashed down onto the pavement. The "non-binary" Summer Taylor, whose pronouns of choice were "they" and "them," was killed, and fellow protester Diaz Love remains hospitalized.

Protesters immediately vowed that such Trumpian, white nationalist, violence would not dissuade them from staying the course. However, almost before their lines were delivered, the preferred narrative began to collapse. Much as the media tried to avoid any mention of the point, the first film footage of the allegedly murderous driver, Dawit Kelete, soon spilled the fact that he is black.

Did Dawit Kelete mistake the protesters for white supremacists? Was he just offended by their performative virtue-signalling? Or, did he perhaps hate Summer Taylor for being a "non-binary" who used the pronouns "they" and "them"?

Is Kelete's motivation even of consequence? As I believe I have already mentioned, Dawit Kelete is black. His life matters. His right to operate his Jaguar luxury automobile on public roadways also matters. If Mr. Kelete was inclined to operate his Jaguar automobile on the I-5 highway, where a bunch of privileged, silly, white people happened to be playing in the street, how is he in any way at fault?

Indeed, the honor of being separated from this life by the impact of Mr. Kelete's Jaguar may even have extirpated Summer Taylor's white privilege and ethnic birth guilt, potentially so qualifying Summer Taylor for admission to "Non-binary," White Ally Heaven. It may have been the only thing that actually could have. If they were proper white allies, Summer Taylor's surviving companions would get down on their prayer bones and beg Dawit Kelete to serve them similarly. At the very least, they need to be protesting for his immediate release and for a prompt end to all this tom-foolery about charging him with crimes. Nobody is ever going to take the lot of them even half-seriously if they can't maintain the most basic focus on their mission.


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