October 16, 2020

Elie Mystal invokes his only real life experience (house husband) by analogizing the Barrett confirmation hearings to The Princess Bride, from there to court packing


Well known Harvard legal scholar Elie Mystal has a piece in Nation online in which he compares the confirmation of ACB to, wait for it, The Princess Bride.

There’s a moment in The Princess Bride when the evil and conniving Prince Humperdinck, eager to finish a sham wedding to his unwilling bride, Buttercup, demands that the priest cut to the chase. As the bride’s rescuers prepare to charge the castle, Humperdinck insists, “‘Man and wife.’ Say ‘man and wife’!”

That’s basically where we are with the confirmation process for Amy Coney Barrett.

Any guess what Disney movie Mystal tied up for the kiddies while his wife was out making a living?

Our favorite walrus goes on from there to conclude pack the court yes.

The way to free ourselves from the random wheel of death is to have more justices on the court. Ginsburg’s passing would have had significantly less impact on the fate of women’s rights if she had been but one of 19 people instead of nine.

 19 justices? Can you imagine digesting a  Supreme Court decision with 18 concurring opinions? The mind boggles. Like Mystal's. Utterly unchecked by any need for scholarship. 

But wait. having established the 'need' for 19, Mystal jumps to 29!

The benefits of court expansion are so manifest that I’d be willing, as a Democrat, to put additional Republican nominees on the court, too. If you had a bill to add 20 people to the Supreme Court, I’d be willing to split the new seats between, say, 11 Democratic appointees and nine Republican ones. I’m serious. The Garland debt must be paid...

That Elie is a legal giant! Go big or go home. 


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