March 30, 2021

The Import of the Facts that Can't be Reported

The mainstream media in this country have sucked up the ideological Kool-Aid to the point of being completely worthless. They aren't pressing Grandpa Blinky on his border fiasco, or even his efforts to hide the truth via controlled access policies. Many days after the shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, the media persist in their idiot game of "don't ask, don't tell" on the issue of whether both of those shooters in fact underwent, and passed, background checks. This, because the answer does not fit the narrative of the media-backed gun control bills that posit extended background checks as a solution. As the nation watches videos of black people randomly attacking and beating Asian Americans, the media reporters can't mention the fact that the sidewalk stomping or subway beat-down were inflicted by hateful, violent black people, committing hate crimes. That would be inconsistent with the paternalistic stereotypes fostered by Grandpa Blinky, the kinder, gentler racist, who knows that most black people would never engage in such conduct.

Now, today, we have a new round of stories about "Major," the most spirited canine in the Bitin' Administration, attacking his second federal employee. As in every media account of the first attack, every media account of this second attack conspicuously omits virtually every detail about the victim. In both instances, we are essentially told only the agency with which the victim is employed, and some fluff about how minor the wounds were and what a great dog Major is. No mention of the victims' names, no photos or videos, not even a few light-hearted interviews wherein the victims brush off the significance of the bites or minimize the attacks.

What are we covering up for Grandpa Blinky this time? Do the victims of the dog attacks have any common features that might be problematic, or an embarrassment for Blinky? Or more simply asked, are the missing data fields in the media reports concealing that Blinky's dog attacks people of color?

Biden, Biden,what are you hidin'? Who on Earth has your dog been bitin'? Looks suspicious, stinks like Hell, why won't you let the media tell?

Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know. However, as with everything that doesn't fit Blinky's propaganda narrative, we can't ever expect to learn the truth about this from anything reporters say. At best, we can only try to figure out what ideological redactions left the gaping holes in the reporting.


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