May 9, 2021

So My Firm Gave Us Media Training

 It was just for partners but associates could watch.  A media-lady who used to be a TV reporter did mock interviews which were recorded and later critiqued. Unfortunately I didnt get to help with the"critique" part, but I did take notes in case I ever go on someone's Youtube channel. 

The highlights:

-Don't tell the interviewer "that's a great question." Why does everyone say this? It's super annoying and wastes time!
-Only look at the interviewer.  Don't ever look at the monitor, director or camera--you'll look totally shifty eyed. And for God's sake. never look at the ceiling while thinking about your answer because you'll seem insane.
-Don't lean back in your chair; you'll look short and fat.  Don't sit up perfectly straight; you'll look stiff and nervous.
 -If you lean forward, your double chin will disappear and you'll look like a hot male model.
 -While listening to the interview questions, have a ever so slight smile on your face. 
A totally blank expression looks like a robot mug shot. 
-It's OK to move your hands BUT ONLY BELOW YOUR CHIN AND NOT WIDER THAN YOUR SHOULDERS.  Dont wildly flail about!
-If your earpiece pops out during the middle of a live interview, act all casual like it's totally normal and no big deal. Same with taking a drink of water.
Now you're TV ready. You're welcome.

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